Video Library

Welcome to the video library. A collection of 123 short videos of Canadian event planners sharing their experiences of deconstructing or reconfiguring events impacted by COVID-19. Every set includes a compilation video and individual videos.

Set 1

Planners were required to become knowledgeable about COVID-19 to be able to very quickly react to and manage situations accordingly. Desperate, extraordinary times called for courage and focus.

Set 2

The events industry in Canada (and elsewhere) has been decimated.  The painstaking work to deconstruct, reconstruct or put events on hold is reflected in these videos.

Set 3

Communication is key, but this situation made it more relevant than ever!

Set 4

How could anyone be totally prepared to manage a pandemic that basically shut down the global economy and our daily lives?

Set 5

Our interviewees had some interesting perceptiveness about event planners.

Set 6

Our interviewees shared some great thoughts and good advice!

Set 7

Our interviewees were consistent in their thinking!

Set 8

Being able to draw on previous experience – acquired through life, work or crisis – proved to be indispensable.

Set 9

It was absolutely heart-warming to hear these examples of “empathy” from some of our interviewees.

Set 10

Relationships are the bedrock of business. Our interviewees provided excellent examples of how this was so important during the pandemic.

Set 11

One should never attempt to be an island in the events industry, especially during a crisis like COVID-19. Our planners had excellent advice around reaching out to others.

Set 12

Through this crisis, the event planners were engaging with clients, staff, volunteers, vendors, and other stakeholders. Many of our interviewees agreed that the pandemic mantra of 'working together' was critical to moving forward successfully.